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Welcome, my name is Steve J. Smith. I have a Master's of Science degree in Geology with an emphasis in Volcanology and Remote Sensing from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. My undergraduate work was done at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and I received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Geology with a Minor in Geography.  My ambition is to become a volcanologist, or at least deal with volcanic or geologic hazards. The photo above was taken at Kilauea volcano in Hawai'i in July 2003 while attending a student workshop associated with the Cities on Volcanoes 3 conference in Hilo, Hawai'i. The background photo on this page is a modification of one taken by Lyn Topinka of the USGS that was downloaded from the Cascades Volcano Observatory website.

Main Interests

In my free time I like to collect baseball cards, build military models, listening to music, going to the movies, hiking, camping, and when I get the chance going to baseball games. My interests are primarily in volcanoes, earth sciences, astronomy, meteorology, wolves, baseball, history, military history (mainly in the Civil War and World War II), and the U.S. Navy. From this main page follow the links to the left to find out more information about me as well as these major interests.